THE GODFATHER OF KATHMANDU by John Burdett - Jan-2010
Despite the violence I love his books. He is a very good tale teller and his wonderful Thai Buddhist detective Sonchai Jitpleecheep is terrific. 

FRANNY AND ZOOEY by J.D. Salinger - Jan-2010
Picked up a battered Library first edition for ten bucks! About college girl Franny and her truly awful lunch date as she is sweating, passing out and possibly pregnant. Salinger is a direct Scott Fitzgerald descent but then he acknowledges it on Page 3 of Zooey, quoting from Gatsby “which was my Tom Sawyer when I was twelve”… that everybody suspects himself of having at least one of the Cardinal virtues.”
Zooey is narrated by Buddy Glass and is much less good than I remembered. THE ORDEAL OF GILBERT PINFOLD by Evelyn Waugh - Jan-2010
I love Waugh. My favorite Waugh is the War Trilogy Sword of Honor. I don’t much care for Brideshead and though I picked up a first edition, I still don’t much care for this tale of the paranoia of an elderly writer on a sea voyage who hears voices. POINT OMEGA by Don DeLillo - Jan-2010
Not quite getting him still…. PICTURE THIS by Joseph Heller - Jan-2010
An odd fish – hybrid of biography, art history and novel about the famous painting “Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer” by Rembrandt. Heller is one of my favorite writers but this is not my favorite of his. THE LETTER FROM DEATH by David J Moats - Jan-2010
Nicely written interesting perspective of Death from the viewpoint of Death The Character. SHAMPOO PLANET by Douglas Coupland - Jan-2010
Like all comedy novels, and shampoo itself, it starts well but then dries up. ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON by John Masefield - Jan-2010
Bought at Antiquarian Book Fair in Pasadena. A couple of lectures in New York about the British and the horrors of the recently ended 1914-18 war. DESCARTES SECRET NOTEBOOK by Amir D. Aczel - Jan-2010
Everything I needed to know about Descartes: I drink therefore I am. Started last summer and picked up and finished. THE MAN WHO LOVED BOOKS TOO MUCH by Allison Hoover Bartlett - Jan-2010
About a book thief who like all thieves is in denial about theft. Not written well enough to be really good and she abandons the tale and pursuit of his thieving career before it is over or has come to some dramatic conclusion, in order to publish the book which is a pity as the story lacks a good end, and if you are doing journalism you must await the outcome. You can see this book prominently displayed at all Book Fairs as a burglar alarm in order to deter the thief himself. TOO MUCH MONEY by Dominick Dunne - Jan-2010
His last posthumous novel and is as usual a closely reworked version of something that actually happened (in this case the Monte Carlo Saffire fire death) set now in Biarritz. As with parody often the elusive truth is easier achieved through fiction. Arcadia by Tom Stoppard - Jan-2010
Best play ever. I love it. See it. Read it. He is our finest playwright.