The Hollow Crown by Dan Jones - Mar-2015
Since I just finished The Plantagenets I went straight into his sequel about the War of The Roses, which as he explains, is far more than the simple York v Lancaster struggle it is often presented as. He is a good narrative historian. It’s interesting to see how important Kingship was in those days to keep an unruly country with powerful and ambitious Lords in check. When the unfortunate (bi-polar?) Henry V1 came to the throne everything fell apart. Nicer for the French of course. Had a signed copy I picked up in Hatchards. (UK) 

The Death of Caesar by Barry Strauss - Mar-2015
Pretty good simple history of Caesar and the principal assassins. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn - Mar-2015
Welcome back Cutter. Sorry. Silly mood. I really enjoyed this dark, disquieting first person narrated thriller about a Chicago female reporter sent home to the South, and her awful mother, to investigate a couple of teen murders. Very well written. I am going to read more of her, she really delivers. Fatherland by Robert Harris - Mar-2015
I enjoy his books and I had somehow missed this one, which is about a Berlin detective, but with the twist that Hitler is still alive and the Nazis won the war. An excellent read. The Dancer at the Gai-Moulin by Georges Simenon - Mar-2015
The latest in the Penguin paperback new translation and series of re-releases of these excellent short detective stories featuring the indefatigable Maigret. Perfect for a plane ride. Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami - Mar-2015
I really like some of his books, but others I find too long, and in this one once we got to talking dogs I’m afraid I lost interest. Far and away the most enjoyable I have read so far is the trilogy IQ84.